Tuesday, April 19, 2011

can't sleep....

Just can't seem to fall asleep tonight. Even though my body is tired and I am just over all tired. My body lately just doesn't like me. My body decides it doesn't like the birth control I am taking so it wants to cause me extreme pain in my gut and cause me so much distress. Then a a week later after all that was over a virus wants to make a home in my lower back muscles. Thankfully it went away within a week out of my back just taking another form in sores in my mouth and lots of chest congestion and just all over body tiredness. On top of all of that I am just sad and overwhelmed. Sad because my husband is gone right now and just lots of things to take care of with getting ready for the trip to San Diego. I'm just concerned that I will forget stuff about the house that I can't forget. I am so thankful I get to hear my husbands voice every day and that I can skype with him tomorrow it's just not the same. Just little things that go on that I miss. Our crazy discussion that we get into. SOmetimes over silly things like what color the sky is. I just love seeing all the passion that comes out of Thomas. I miss being able to kiss him whenever I want. Or hold his hand or just ride with him in the car. I knew all of this was going to be hard. But it didn't get really hard until I had a whole month to spend with my husband. To know what it's like to have him home every night. Weird right. To get use to having my husband home. Well it was great. And I am so glad God gave us the chance to be around each other and just enjoy being a silly newly wed couple. We had the best time together before he left. I don't think I have ever smiled so much in my life than the day before Thomas left. It was perfect. The best day a girl could ask for.
Back in February when he was away for the month the house just didn't seem so empty. I've been trying so hard to find a reason to stay away form the house in the afternoon. The morning it's not so bad because that is when Thomas is usually away when he is home. I miss him.
But I couldn't be more proud of him. He works hard at all that he does. I wouldn't wish it right now to be any other way. If he hadn't been in the Navy there is no way we could be together married right now. Great things in life don't come without some form of sacrifice. And I have been given something very special. I only miss him so much because I love him so much. I am very thankful to have some one special to miss in my life. I know that no matter what there is someone in this world who loves me very much. And that is worth any sacrifice.

John 3:16 " For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. That who so ever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life".

Monday, April 18, 2011

and life keeps on moving

So it is now the end of April. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. Lots of things have been going on. After a week of being sick and with terrible back pain I am finally on my way back to being me again. Thomas is off and away in San Diego. My little sister went to senior prom and next month will graduate from high school. My dad found out that after many long years he will finally be able to retire September 30, 2010 from the Army. Lots of crazy stuff.
Tonight it's just me hanging out at the house. I don't know why but lately it's just been weird to be at the house by myself. I try as hard as I can to stay away. The house just seems so empty right now. Thomas has been gone only 10 days so far and it already seems like forever. I think this time around I just don't want to get to comfortable in my routine while he is gone. When Thomas is away for a while it always feels so weird and just sad to get use to him being gone. Almost to the point where you forget even what it's like to have him home. You remember and wish it could be that way but I don't know. I'm just lonely right now I guess. And I guess it is one thing to have him off and away on a ship and another to have him just 1200 miles away in the states. Just far enough away.
I have been trying to get back into doing my bible study. For a while I just felt so disconnected from it all and not really getting anything. My mind would be everywhere and I just couldn't get myself to be still to get into the word. Today was good because I read in my study on peace. What stood out to me was about the Phil. 4 passage where it talks about do not be anxious about anything... in the study it said how the promise from the scripture is not being taken away form our anxious moments and trials but that God will give us peace that transcends all understanding to handle and live through those times. That really hit me. For a long time I thought if I give everything over to God and pray about them all he will deliver me from the and all will be done. He will take away the things that make me worry and be anxious. But it doesn't say that it Phillipians. But it promises us so much more. Peace. Something I and many others in this world seek. We give our requests to God and lay the situations before him and He gives us peace to understand and deal with those situations. How amazing is that. Something I will remember. :-) Or at least try to.
I have a busy week on my hands. Laundry to do, phone calls to make, cookies to bake, a cake to make, and packing and preparing for the tri down to San Diego and Alabama. I am not in want of things to do this week. That is for sure. But I am thankful that I am able to do the tasks at hand. And that I have a family and a husband that loves me.

Monday, March 21, 2011


Lately no matter how hard I try I always seem to be gloomy even though I have no desire to be gloomy. There are moments in my day I am happy and laughing and smiling with my husband or other people but, when left to be by myself I always end up back on the sad band wagon. Not sure if I am just unhappy with myself right now or what. In my mind I keep trying to make my husband out to be a villain when he is not. He loves and cares for me and I have no real reason to be mad at him. He helps around the house and other things that need to be done. But for some reason I always make it out that he is always doing something wrong in my head so I have someone to be mad at. Some one to blame for my unhappiness. I am the only one who can change that. And to be honest I am not really sure what I want. I know I want something more to do with my life other than just caring for a house. But I can't seem to commit to anything. I still have yet to call the hospital to volunteer, or the church to volunteer to help with the children's program and MOPS. As a whole we are going to be needing some extra income. I have to start paying back student loans and trying to get a new phone with boost mobile. And right now we fit exactly within our means of what Thomas makes so adding anything make things tricky. So I don't really know what to do. I would love to make a trip to San Diego but that would really stretch us on money. I really don't think I should make the trip. Not sure what to do with that.
All I do is take my husbands money and have nothing to give back in return. The house is a mess right now. With him being in class the days go by faster than I realize and not much cleaning gets done.
Quiet time with God is a bust right now. My mind is everywhere and I can't seem to get anything out of it. I can't sleep at night and I can't be happy when my husband is around and I know that bugs him and I feel terrible about it.
There are things going on right now I wish I could change and help out in but I can't do anything to help out. My husband leaves in a little over a week to head to San Diego for almost 2 months. I am going home for a week during all of that so that will help some.
My mind is just going crazy right now. Not really knowing how to let go of any of it and not really sure how to get things solved.
I am very over dramatic. Probably your conclusion by the end of all of this. I don't know. My mind just can't be at peace right now. I want it to be. I don't want to be a wife who is always in a mood swing. I know it has got to be driving Thomas crazy that his wife is all over the place. I love him. And I really hope he knows that.
I guess I am just a phase of negative. No reason to be because there are so many things to be thankful for. I just don't know what to do with myself any more. I can't seem to find the shoes that fit.
Peace and answers are what I seek.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A relaxing day

Well I have managed now to actually post on here two days in a row. Some what of an improvement. I needed a relaxing day and that was today. I accomplished the big things and let the small things go. I think my body right now is just tired all over from stress and dealing with different things going on. My neck has been so tight lately I can't even turn my head. Last night was pretty bad. I know it's all from stress I just am not sure how to work through it all. The minute I begin to think of anything my neck tenses up. Worry is a lot of it and a feeling of needing to do more. I could sit here and make a huge list on all the things I didn't do today. And things that need to be done by the end of the week. But really all I want to do is make some popcorn and just relax and get lost in a movie. I would really just like to relax with thomas right now. Today is his duty day this week so that won't be happening tonight.
When I look up form the computer I look up and see the beautiful flowers Thomas got me last week. They are so beautiful and still look so pretty. I can't help but smile when I look at them :-) And I have managed to keep Burt from knocking them over so that is a big accomplishment in it self.
Fear, worry, am I enough, what do I do next, am I doing anything good with my life, afraid and tired of stepping out. Reading in my bible study and not getting anything out of it. I feel like I have hit a wall with my quiet time. I would love to just go sit out in a field or at the beach and just soak up some sun. Feelings of discontent.
Thankfulness, true love, joy and peace beyond what I have ever experienced. A life I don't deserve, provided for beyond my wildest imagination by the great God above. A home. the greatest husband and lover a girl could ask for. a church to feel at home in and be with God. a new place for a new adventure. food in the house. t.v and internet. and a Ps3 and furniture and clothes. A very healthy person. So may things to be thankful for and am blessed beyond all that I could have imagined. And who could forget my sweet and playful kitty cat burt. my snuggle buddy when it's just me.
Some days the negative is stronger than the positive and I find myself doubting myself a lot. Worrying to much about what people think. Letting go of who I thought I was suppose to be and embracing who God wanted me to be all along.
Of all that has happened to me in the past couple of years I wouldn't change any of it. Not for one minute other than all my mistakes and things that I did to hurt anyone. I am not unhappy. Just trying to fit in a place that is still new to me. Some days I wonder if I am doing anything good. Am I being a good wife or should I do more. Am I failing at still being a good daughter to my parents and a good sister to my siblings. Sometimes I wonder if I have let ever one down with my choices in life. But deep down I know I am doing what I truly believe I am suppose to be doing. In my heart there has never been any discontent with the choices that led me to all of this. Because I know this is where God wanted me to be. I get stuck in worrying about the world and of what others might think.
I am a wife to a good husband. Some day I want to be a mom. this is so true. I remember laying in bed at night thinking up all my big plans on what I wanted to be and do with my life. And after I had conquered the world I remember all I ever wanted to do then was be a wife and a mom. because I knew that traveling the world and doing different jobs the greatest and most rewarding adventure in life would be being a wife and a mom. If you can survive through that you can do anything in life I truly believe. All the other things I wanted to do, be a pilot, travel the world, being a great scholar, have this great job and be important it was all for me. And me alone. Very selfish wants. Being married I get to share all those adventures with my husband. I get to travel with someone. Lean on someone when I have a hard time with a job. Get to be there for someone else through life's rough battles. And some day we will get to be a part of a miracle. Being a family. I don't want a huge family. But I do want some kids. :-) My biggest fear is that we will not be able to have children but I know some way Thomas and I will be around children. We both have a big heart for them. It's one of the reasons I feel in love with him.
I am not sure what I am suppose to do until the Lord leads us to the point in our life. Right now I don't feel led to have children right now. I want to enjoy being with my husband and taking every opportunity to serve others.
With all of this I feel like if I admit to everyone that I just want to be a mom and a wife I will be hearing all the voices around me....she had so much talent and abilities to go and do. So smart, such wasted talent. I feel like I would have failed everyone. I want to work and do things. We could use the extra money to save and be better prepared for things. And Thomas is going to be all over. I don't know why all these thoughts are going on in my head tonight. Mostly just trying to sort through what is going on in my head.
All I ever want to do is serve my God and do as he would wish. And not care so much what people think. I don't know what tomorrow holds. But I do know that I have a big God helping me out and has got my back. And right now I am going to finish my relaxing day God has blessed me with and be at peace about all of this. :-)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

" The longer the waiting, the sweeter the kiss...."

"The longer the waiting" by Josh Turner

I love this song. A friend of mine told me about this song. So weeks later I finally looked it up on youtube. :-) This is my song right now. My life with my hubbie in the Navy. And it is so true that the longer the wait the sweeter the kiss. Waiting is so hard. I have already cried many a nights wishing to see my love and those I miss being here up in Washington.
It's funny being a military brat you would think I would be use to having loved ones come in and out of my life and being far away from family. I understand it and know what to expect but missing someone......it never gets old and you never get use to it.
I also think of what it will be like to finally be in heaven. Something that I am anticipating and longing for. To finally be at peace and in the presence of my father. There are things on this earth the Lord has for me to do for him. A worthless retched sinner he has chosen to love me. And I can't wait to be with him.
I love my husband. I don't think I will ever stop missing him. I love kissing him after he is gone for a while. There is a feeling like none other. The feeling of finally being back with the better half of myself. That part of me that leaves a black empty hole when he is gone. Seeing his face after him being gone for any amount of time warms my heart. Because in his eyes I see how deep he loves me. I love looking at his face when he smiles. There are times that he is so happy it reaches from out of his eyes. :-) He is so handsome. Did I mention that I love my husband so dearly? :-) I hope this video loads before I need to head to bed. If not look up the video "The longer the waiting" by Josh Turner.
A love like none other. That is what God has blessed me with. That weak at the knees, heart throbbing, heart stopping love that never quits. A special gift that could only come from the great God above. And without him it would be empty. Thank you Lord for loving me like none other and giving me a love here on this earth to show me how deep your love can reach. Truly leaves me in awe of all that you are. Thank you.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

One of those days....

Yesterday was one of those Mondays. Mixed with both good and bad. And at the end of it not really sure what to think about it all. Probably the first day that I have been up at 6:30 a.m. and didn't take a nap the whole day. I was pretty proud of myself for pressing on through the tiredness. Yesterday a special miracle happened. My friend Katie had her baby boy. I had never seen a new born before then. It was the most amazing and wonderful thing to see a newborn baby who had only been in the world for just a little over an hour. He is so precious. It was so cool being a part of it. I had fun playing with Katie's daughter while Katie was in labor. Abby is one silly girl, but loads of fun. :-) There were all kinds of other things that happened but the best part of the day was after everything was all over I got to go pick up my husband from work and spend a relaxing evening with him.
This is the verse that has come to my mind right now through some stuff that is going on right now.
Psalm 55:22 "Cast all you cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall".
I love how the word never is very true. You know how everyone says never say never but in this verse it truly means never. God will NEVER let the righteous fall. And he will sustain us. Pretty powerful words. Pretty amazing promise from God. And that is what I am choosing to hold to right now.
I have got a house that needs cleaning bad. :-) I should really get to that now I think.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

And so it has begun...

What a crazy month or so it has been. So much has happened since I moved up here. I have been stretched and have even grown a little since being up here. I have good news to report that I think I got this housewife thing under control. Procrastinating and laziness are still ever present. And if you know of my procrastination skills you know the challenge I am up against. :-)
So far God has brought me through the initial move, getting the hosue altogether once the stuff from Alabama came, got some what settled into a church family, made it through 17 days of my husband being gone and enjoyed one wonderful week with my husband. I have finally managed to gain all my weight back that I had managed to loose between October and December. So that is awesome. I still have yet to find a new hobby. I have discovered that my hobby hole is not filled and I am in need of a new one. For 10+ years sports has been my hobby but it is now a new phase in my life and I ma not sure what to do with that new opening just yet. Cleaning is temporarily filling that spot, but my sister strongly believes I need a new hobby. And taking care of my husband and being there for him is a new life I am happily welcoming. :-)
This past week was the first whole week I have spent with Thomas since our honeymoon and even then it wasn't a whole week. It was so nice to have him around. It was an adjustment because I was use to having my own schedule while he was gone but an adjustment I was happy to make. :-)
I love my husband so very much. It is a feeling like none other. A feeling I can't even begin to describe. I love everything about him. Even when he is driving mw crazy that handsome face and cute smile just makes everything seem to disappear. I am one very blessed and very lucky girl. Something I want to hold on tight to and never let go. The greatest fear I have, like many and most all of wives, is loosing Thomas. When Thomas was in the SEAL program I shared with him about how I was scared to loose him. And he, with his no fear demeanor, told me that when his time was up his time was up. That could be from a bullet or just driving down the road and getting in a car accident. And that we had no control over how it happened but that he was in God's hand. And nothing would happen to him until God said so. And I could rest in God and know that he is watching over it all. And then he asked me not to be sad and wallow in my sorrow in his death but to rejoice because he is somewhere safe and happy. Waiting for me. Thomas and I see a little different when it comes to dealing with death. I think it's because I still see to much on the worldly side of it all. My husband loves adventure and danger. But he is brave and very courageous because of the God that lives inside of him. ANd it is a challenge and something I am seeking to have as well. The day Thomas is no longer in my life, there will be a huge whole that will never be filled again. But I am trying hard to make the most of every opportunity given to us and take it and cherish every minute of it. Not only with my husband but with my family and my friends. Like Thomas tells me often, "You only live once. Why not?". :-)
My favorite verse right now is Micah 6:8 "He has showed you, O man,what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God". I don't know why but in these words I have found comfort and peace. This is what the Lord requires of me act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God. Challenging but not out of our grasp with God. What we have been given and all we have is because of the grace of God. And a merciful God he is.
I finally started running again. Thomas and I are getting back into working out again. We had a brief interruption because he was gone and I had some health issues that had to be sorted out. I am so out of shape but it is nice to know my body hasn't forgotten how to run and enjoy it. :-) Other than that I am still working out the job situation. A little frustrated there but I know I will get some things together that will work out. Just ding what I can and praying very hard I see what God has for me.
I am excited to see what God has in store for the month of March. I a going to enjoy every minute that my husband is here because they leave in April to go away for a little over a month. Getting us ready to what life is like when they are away on deployment :-) Hoping there are some sunny days in there to go exploring one weekend with Thomas in Seattle or up in the mountains. We shall see.
As for now I am going to get off my lazy bum, clean some dishes and get ready for the young adults group that is tonight.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

One Step at a Time....

This week has been crazy. It has gone by a whole lot faster than I thought it would. I know there is still one more day left to this week but still crazy. While it has been extremely stressful it has also been so exciting. Tomorrow (praying really hard) we should find out everything official with housing. It's pretty much a for sure thing they just have to go over all the paperwork and get everything set for us to move in. :-) I can't believe me and Thomas will have a house together. It is so exciting! Getting there has been a process and Thomas has worked so hard at getting it all together. God has been so good to both of us. He has made it to where Thomas can get away from work to get all the paperwork finished and provided an opening at the housing area we needed. And he has made all this sickness and crud go away from me. And for that I am so thankful. One step at a time. It is what I keep telling myself through it all. God is the great provider and he is watching out for us. It is how I get through each day. Reminding myself God has got our backs. Through the stress headaches and stiff neck. God has helped me deal with all of this better.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4:6-7

I love that verse. I have no reason to be anxious over anything right now. God is bigger than all of this and it is only one small part of my life. Each step of the way I see God's hand in all of this. And that really gives me comfort and peace through it all. A lot of the times I wish life was a whole lot easier. Life gets way to overwhelming and complicated. Lots of times I would really like to crawl into a hole and forget about others and life. But then what kind of life would that be :-)
Well I am so ready to be in Everett. And in just a couple of weeks I will be in Washington state. A place I never thought I would be. So exciting :-)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Love Is......

"Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end." ~1 Cointhians 13:4-8 (The Message)
I love this version of this bible passage. Love is so powerful. It is true when you hear that love conquors all. With all the wedding stuff still dancing around in my head this is what pops into my mind right now. This passage was read at my wedding. I know it is a tradtional passage read at most weddings but the meaning of this scripture is so powerful. And I am so guilty so many times of not portraying these qualities. Through these past couple of weeks I have been shown this love by so many people. The love from my family, church family and my friends. But what always amazes me is how much Thomas loves me. Every time he talks to me and how he cares for me just warms my heart and makes me realize I truely am the luckiest girl alive. And then I realize how much more God loves me and that truely is overwelming and the most amazing thing ever.
To love someone and to be loved by someone is the most amazing feeling in the world. Something God creates and is so precious. Something I want to hold on tight to and cherish.
I have had different friends during all of this ask how do you know if he is the one. It is something you just know. God puts it on your heart and you never look back. If there is ever any true doubt in your head then he is not the one. I could not imagine having anyone else in my life except for Thomas.
So for all you single girls, wait for the one that God has for you. It is so worth waiting for. I waited patiently on the Lord and he gave me my heart's desire. Thomas was the first man I kissed, the first man I fell head over heels for. I always tell him it was his smile and his laugh that won my heart. :-) In the Psalms it says, be strong and take heart and wait patiently for the Lord (paraphrase)
God has loved us with an everlasting love. And has given us all someone in our life, wether a good friend, a parent, a mentor, husband or wife to show us God's love. And if you don't see it take time to just sit and be still and look for God's loving hand in your life. It is there wether big or small. Just the fact you are alive another day shows that God has a purpose for his wonderful creation.
Some days for me it is easier to remember all of this than other days, but thankfully the Lord never gives up on me. :-)

Today my heart is over flowing with the love and joy the Lord has given me. Something I will try and hold tight to, to make it through the storms in my life.
God is good all the time. And all the time God is good.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Beginning of a New Journey

So with a new phase of life comes new ideas and the fun of trying new things. I have always wanted to have a blog but it never really seemed like a good idea at the time. But now I have begun a new time in my life, why not start a blog. :-) Just a way I want to share with those, who end up reading this anyways, the adventures and the journey that God is taking me. And right now the beginning point I am at is the start of married life. And for all those who have shared their wisdom of married life with me so far I know I am entering into the most amazing journey of my life.
God brought me the most amazing man. Thomas is my prince charming. Someone who I could not imagine living my life without. He is in the Navy and is totally handsome. (If I do say so myself) For some reason it didn't really dawn on me until a couple days ago but I am a Navy wife. For some that might be like, so what, but being a Navy wife I have to start learning all the lovely ins and outs of the Navy. And start calling the the big boats they work on ships. Can't seem to get that one right yet. :-) Guess that is the Army brat still in me. I am praying that in a couple of weeks I will be able to be with my husband in Everett, Wa. Right now I am currently still in the lovely state of Alabama but I am praying hard it won't be to soon and I will be able to be with Thomas soon.
Through all of the wedding craziness one verse always popped into my head.
Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart"

Several years ago the Lord put this verse on my heart. I didn't really quit understand the depth of that verse. I am slowly starting to see and understand. I have searched and searched and asked God so many times over the past few years on what he would have me to do with my life or how to serve him. My heart was searching and trying to do as God would have me to do. My desire all along wether I admitted it to myself or not was to love and be loved by someone. That was truly the desire God had put on my heart so long ago. And tomorrow it will be one week since God gave me my hearts desire and that was marrying my husband. Someone who loves me so very much and cares for me deeply. Who is such a good man of God and has challenged me in so many ways. Someone I can love and take care of and be there for in good and bad times. Seeking after God. Delighting in God. Spending time with the king of creation. I have been blessed far beyond than I could have ever imagined. I have a relationship and the support of a loving God, a loving husband, a loving family, and wonderful friends. I am one blessed and lucky girl. These past couple of weeks my heart has over flowed with excitement and awe at the wonderful things going on around me. My heart is bursting. Things I will cherish forever and will hide them away and treasure them in my heart.
To many this is all probably pretty mushy and over done. But this is my blog so get over it. :-) But this is just another way I want to have something to help me remember that when I get on here a couple months or even weeks from now and life is difficult, I can look back and remember the promises of God and see where he has taken me and look forward to where he is taking me next. :-)
Welcome to my life adventure. I can't promise good english through out it but hey no one is perfect.