Thursday, January 13, 2011

One Step at a Time....

This week has been crazy. It has gone by a whole lot faster than I thought it would. I know there is still one more day left to this week but still crazy. While it has been extremely stressful it has also been so exciting. Tomorrow (praying really hard) we should find out everything official with housing. It's pretty much a for sure thing they just have to go over all the paperwork and get everything set for us to move in. :-) I can't believe me and Thomas will have a house together. It is so exciting! Getting there has been a process and Thomas has worked so hard at getting it all together. God has been so good to both of us. He has made it to where Thomas can get away from work to get all the paperwork finished and provided an opening at the housing area we needed. And he has made all this sickness and crud go away from me. And for that I am so thankful. One step at a time. It is what I keep telling myself through it all. God is the great provider and he is watching out for us. It is how I get through each day. Reminding myself God has got our backs. Through the stress headaches and stiff neck. God has helped me deal with all of this better.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. 7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phillipians 4:6-7

I love that verse. I have no reason to be anxious over anything right now. God is bigger than all of this and it is only one small part of my life. Each step of the way I see God's hand in all of this. And that really gives me comfort and peace through it all. A lot of the times I wish life was a whole lot easier. Life gets way to overwhelming and complicated. Lots of times I would really like to crawl into a hole and forget about others and life. But then what kind of life would that be :-)
Well I am so ready to be in Everett. And in just a couple of weeks I will be in Washington state. A place I never thought I would be. So exciting :-)

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Love Is......

"Love never gives up.
Love cares more for others than for self.
Love doesn't want what it doesn't have.
Love doesn't strut,
Doesn't have a swelled head,
Doesn't force itself on others,
Isn't always "me first,"
Doesn't fly off the handle,
Doesn't keep score of the sins of others,
Doesn't revel when others grovel,
Takes pleasure in the flowering of truth,
Puts up with anything,
Trusts God always,
Always looks for the best,
Never looks back,
But keeps going to the end." ~1 Cointhians 13:4-8 (The Message)
I love this version of this bible passage. Love is so powerful. It is true when you hear that love conquors all. With all the wedding stuff still dancing around in my head this is what pops into my mind right now. This passage was read at my wedding. I know it is a tradtional passage read at most weddings but the meaning of this scripture is so powerful. And I am so guilty so many times of not portraying these qualities. Through these past couple of weeks I have been shown this love by so many people. The love from my family, church family and my friends. But what always amazes me is how much Thomas loves me. Every time he talks to me and how he cares for me just warms my heart and makes me realize I truely am the luckiest girl alive. And then I realize how much more God loves me and that truely is overwelming and the most amazing thing ever.
To love someone and to be loved by someone is the most amazing feeling in the world. Something God creates and is so precious. Something I want to hold on tight to and cherish.
I have had different friends during all of this ask how do you know if he is the one. It is something you just know. God puts it on your heart and you never look back. If there is ever any true doubt in your head then he is not the one. I could not imagine having anyone else in my life except for Thomas.
So for all you single girls, wait for the one that God has for you. It is so worth waiting for. I waited patiently on the Lord and he gave me my heart's desire. Thomas was the first man I kissed, the first man I fell head over heels for. I always tell him it was his smile and his laugh that won my heart. :-) In the Psalms it says, be strong and take heart and wait patiently for the Lord (paraphrase)
God has loved us with an everlasting love. And has given us all someone in our life, wether a good friend, a parent, a mentor, husband or wife to show us God's love. And if you don't see it take time to just sit and be still and look for God's loving hand in your life. It is there wether big or small. Just the fact you are alive another day shows that God has a purpose for his wonderful creation.
Some days for me it is easier to remember all of this than other days, but thankfully the Lord never gives up on me. :-)

Today my heart is over flowing with the love and joy the Lord has given me. Something I will try and hold tight to, to make it through the storms in my life.
God is good all the time. And all the time God is good.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Beginning of a New Journey

So with a new phase of life comes new ideas and the fun of trying new things. I have always wanted to have a blog but it never really seemed like a good idea at the time. But now I have begun a new time in my life, why not start a blog. :-) Just a way I want to share with those, who end up reading this anyways, the adventures and the journey that God is taking me. And right now the beginning point I am at is the start of married life. And for all those who have shared their wisdom of married life with me so far I know I am entering into the most amazing journey of my life.
God brought me the most amazing man. Thomas is my prince charming. Someone who I could not imagine living my life without. He is in the Navy and is totally handsome. (If I do say so myself) For some reason it didn't really dawn on me until a couple days ago but I am a Navy wife. For some that might be like, so what, but being a Navy wife I have to start learning all the lovely ins and outs of the Navy. And start calling the the big boats they work on ships. Can't seem to get that one right yet. :-) Guess that is the Army brat still in me. I am praying that in a couple of weeks I will be able to be with my husband in Everett, Wa. Right now I am currently still in the lovely state of Alabama but I am praying hard it won't be to soon and I will be able to be with Thomas soon.
Through all of the wedding craziness one verse always popped into my head.
Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart"

Several years ago the Lord put this verse on my heart. I didn't really quit understand the depth of that verse. I am slowly starting to see and understand. I have searched and searched and asked God so many times over the past few years on what he would have me to do with my life or how to serve him. My heart was searching and trying to do as God would have me to do. My desire all along wether I admitted it to myself or not was to love and be loved by someone. That was truly the desire God had put on my heart so long ago. And tomorrow it will be one week since God gave me my hearts desire and that was marrying my husband. Someone who loves me so very much and cares for me deeply. Who is such a good man of God and has challenged me in so many ways. Someone I can love and take care of and be there for in good and bad times. Seeking after God. Delighting in God. Spending time with the king of creation. I have been blessed far beyond than I could have ever imagined. I have a relationship and the support of a loving God, a loving husband, a loving family, and wonderful friends. I am one blessed and lucky girl. These past couple of weeks my heart has over flowed with excitement and awe at the wonderful things going on around me. My heart is bursting. Things I will cherish forever and will hide them away and treasure them in my heart.
To many this is all probably pretty mushy and over done. But this is my blog so get over it. :-) But this is just another way I want to have something to help me remember that when I get on here a couple months or even weeks from now and life is difficult, I can look back and remember the promises of God and see where he has taken me and look forward to where he is taking me next. :-)
Welcome to my life adventure. I can't promise good english through out it but hey no one is perfect.