Monday, August 5, 2013


    Seems lately that all my best time with God has been while I am running. Running has always been my time that I can get away and just go off in my world of thoughts. Today listening to a song about living for Christ it reminded me of why I am doing all that I am doing. I am working hard and getting into shape for Christ. So I can live to show his glory. It is why I want to be a nurse. I want to serve my King and that really is the only way I am going to succede. I can't do it without God. He is the one who gives me success and makes it possible for me to dream big. There is always someone out there who is smarter, faster, can hold a plank position longer than me or get more A's in a school year than I can. What makes me special is Christ. He has given me a plan and a special purpose. What I want to choose is to seek Him with all my heart and the rest will follow.
    I love running. Especially when it is nice and sunny out. So thankful for a sunny day today and a new day to live for God. I pray with all my heart my focus stays on Him. I can't do it without him.

" Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power..." Ephesians