Just can't seem to fall asleep tonight. Even though my body is tired and I am just over all tired. My body lately just doesn't like me. My body decides it doesn't like the birth control I am taking so it wants to cause me extreme pain in my gut and cause me so much distress. Then a a week later after all that was over a virus wants to make a home in my lower back muscles. Thankfully it went away within a week out of my back just taking another form in sores in my mouth and lots of chest congestion and just all over body tiredness. On top of all of that I am just sad and overwhelmed. Sad because my husband is gone right now and just lots of things to take care of with getting ready for the trip to San Diego. I'm just concerned that I will forget stuff about the house that I can't forget. I am so thankful I get to hear my husbands voice every day and that I can skype with him tomorrow it's just not the same. Just little things that go on that I miss. Our crazy discussion that we get into. SOmetimes over silly things like what color the sky is. I just love seeing all the passion that comes out of Thomas. I miss being able to kiss him whenever I want. Or hold his hand or just ride with him in the car. I knew all of this was going to be hard. But it didn't get really hard until I had a whole month to spend with my husband. To know what it's like to have him home every night. Weird right. To get use to having my husband home. Well it was great. And I am so glad God gave us the chance to be around each other and just enjoy being a silly newly wed couple. We had the best time together before he left. I don't think I have ever smiled so much in my life than the day before Thomas left. It was perfect. The best day a girl could ask for.
Back in February when he was away for the month the house just didn't seem so empty. I've been trying so hard to find a reason to stay away form the house in the afternoon. The morning it's not so bad because that is when Thomas is usually away when he is home. I miss him.
But I couldn't be more proud of him. He works hard at all that he does. I wouldn't wish it right now to be any other way. If he hadn't been in the Navy there is no way we could be together married right now. Great things in life don't come without some form of sacrifice. And I have been given something very special. I only miss him so much because I love him so much. I am very thankful to have some one special to miss in my life. I know that no matter what there is someone in this world who loves me very much. And that is worth any sacrifice.
John 3:16 " For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son. That who so ever believeth in him shall not perish but have everlasting life".